Pink Ribbon Wellness (L) Foundation

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) Drug Subsidy

The Nolvadex Tamoxifen Drug Subsidy is a Patient Support Programme by Pink Ribbon Wellness (L) Foundation (PRWF). PRWF aims to support eligible breast cancer patients who have been prescribed the Tamoxifen Drug as their regular anti-hormonal therapy.


Breast Cancer patients who purchase the Nolvadex from Hospitals or Licensed Pharmacies can now apply for the Tamoxifen Drug Subsidy Programme as per the Eligibility/Qualifying Criteria mentioned in the E-flyer.

The Subsidy is Actual Bill or not exceeding RM 50 per box for a total of 6 months.

Please refer to the E-flyer for detailed information.


For enquiries, please contact us at 03-7931 5335 or email