Women's Health Forum Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu
Kuantan, Pahang
Sandakan, Sabah
Tawau, Sabah
Pink Ribbon Wellness (L) Foundation (LAF 00046) “PRWF” was registered on 28 February 2012 as a Labuan Charitable Foundation under the Labuan Foundations Act 2010. The Foundation envisions fighting breast cancer by empowering all women with sufficient knowledge and education on breast health care and preventive measures. PRWF strongly advocates regular breast screening for early detection of cancer, actively organises lectures on various treatment options by experts and most importantly makes available the much-needed supportive care towards a better life.
Lectures, workshops, peer support sessions and coffee chats are carried out weekly at the Patients Resource Centre for all to attend and learn more about maintaining a healthy life. We have been reaching out by way of corporate / public lectures and seminars nationwide to increase awareness of breast health and care in three main local languages in Malaysia. We have also conducted multiple breast care workshops for survivors since 2009 to date. Most importantly, we had organized three major Breast Cancer Teaching Conferences in 2012, 2015 and 2018.
Pink Ribbon Wellness (L) Foundation has spearheaded the formation of Pink Ribbon Alliances with 16 Breast Cancer Support Group nationwide, reaching out to the women community on breast cancer prevention programmes and breast cancer survivors’ workshops.
Our logo ‘Pink Ribbon with a Heart’ symbolizes the fight against breast cancer from the caring heart of Survivors and Volunteers.
Our Vision
Our Mission
Supporting Cancer Survivors Towards a Better Life
our core values
Treat survivors with compassion so that they do not have to face breast cancer alone.
Maintain mutual respect and sensitivity, recognise the importance of diversity.
Endeavour to be the best in EDUCATION and everything we do.
Support cancer survivors Towards a Better Life.
Teamwork & Transparency
Work together to meet common goals, maintain transparency and good governance.
Datuk Dr M. Devanand
Founder and Chairman
Consultant Breast Surgeon, Beacon Hospital, Petaling Jaya.
Ms Yong Lee Lee
Founder and Honorary CEO
Certified Public Accountant and Member of Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Dato' Dr Ibrahim A. Wahid
Council Member
Consultant Clinical Oncologist & Medical Director of Beacon Hospital, Petaling Jaya.
Dr Lum Wan Wei
Council Member
Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Beacon Hospital, Petaling Jaya.
Datin Mawanchik Che Jais
Council Member
Retired English Language Lecturer who spends her twilight years working with three NGOs.
Ms Joycelyn See Hong Keok
Council Member
Entrepreneur of a Mechanical & Electrical Company. A committed career woman with a heart for charitable work.
Ms Assunta Carolina Antonysamy
Council Member
TNBC survivor since 2008, serves as a Teacher Educator with the Ministry of Education.
Datuk Megat Abdul Munir
Supervisory Person
Founding partner of the legal firm, Zain Megat and Murad. Currently, Datuk Megat is the alternate director to Tan Sri Shahril Shamsuddin in Sapura Resources Bhd.
Mr Allan Chan Meng Wai
Supervisory Person
Managing Partner of Messrs Meng Wai and Associates. Previously, a teacher with passion in legal practice.
Ms Su Bee Kim
Senior Executive in the Company Secretarial Department of a public listed company.
Ms Laura Pua Siew Lay
Chief Operating Officer of Sterling iTech Services Sdn Bhd who maintains a mission of "Excellence in Service and Pride in Your Work!" for herself and the team she leads.
Patron's Message
Puan Sri Maniseh Adam
To keep the body in good health is a duty. Otherwise we shall not be able to keep our minds strong and clear. Good health and good sense are two of the greatest blessings.
Memastikan badan sentiasa sihat adalah tanggungjawab utama kita.
Seandainya diabaikan, kesihatan minda kita juga akan terjejas.
Kesihatan yang luhur dan pemikiran yang waras adalah dua anugerah yang tidak ternilai.
Founder & Chairman
Datuk Dr Devanand
- The incidence of breast cancer continues to rise and touches the lives of everyone in our community.
- PRWF is dedicated to keeping as many people off the destructive cancer radar by encouraging preventive lifestyles and EARLY DETECTION. Join us and adopt our vision and mission to fight the disease and reduce the incidence of breast cancer and mortality.
- We are dedicated to work across the health system to ensure women diagnosed with breast cancer are provided equitable, evidence-based treatment and care, no matter who they are or where they live.
- We are also about ‘Improving the cancer journey’
Dear Survivors:
‘LIFE isn’t all about waiting for the storm (cancer) to pass, It’s about learning to DANCE in the RAIN’ (it’s all about learning to manage life positively in spite of cancer)
Message from Founder & Honorary CEO
Ms. Yong Lee Lee
Breast Cancer affects 1 in 19 women in Malaysia and more than 40% present at late stage. So, no matter who you are or where you live, understanding breast cancer is important. Women above 40 years of age are reminded to do mammogram screening every 2 years.
Remember, diagnosis is not a death sentence as breast cancer can be treated when detected early.
As a survivor since 2006, I am blessed to be given a second chance and together with PRWF’s volunteers, we strive to reach out to more women and hope that one day no one will suffer due to breast cancer. Our motto “Never A Victim, Always A Fighter” is our driving force.
Message from the Founder & Chairman
Datuk Dr Devanand
- The incidence of breast cancer continues to rise and touches the lives of everyone in our community.
- PRWF is dedicated to keeping as many people off the destructive cancer radar by encouraging preventive lifestyles and EARLY DETECTION. Join us and adopt our vision and mission to fight the disease and reduce the incidence of breast cancer and mortality.
- We are dedicated to work across the health system to ensure women diagnosed with breast cancer are provided equitable, evidence-based treatment and care, no matter who they are or where they live.
- We are also about 'Improving the cancer journey'
Dear Survivors: 'LIFE isn't all about waiting for the storm (cancer) to pass, It's about learning to DANCE in the RAIN' (it's all about learning to manage life positively in spite of cancer).
Message from the Founder & Honorary CEO
Ms. Yong Lee Lee
Breast Cancer affects 1 in 19 women in Malaysia and more than 40% present at late stage. So, no matter who you are or where you live, understanding breast cancer is important. Women above 40 years of age are reminded to do mammogram screening every 2 years.
Remember, diagnosis is not a death sentence as breast cancer can be treated when detected early.
As a survivor since 2006, I am blessed to be given a second chance and together with PRWF’s volunteers, we strive to reach out to more women and hope that one day no one will suffer due to breast cancer. Our motto “Never A Victim, Always A Fighter” is our driving force.
Message from the Founder & Honorary CEO
Ms. Yong Lee Lee
Breast Cancer affects 1 in 19 women in Malaysia and more than 40% present at late stage. So, no matter who you are or where you live, understanding breast cancer is important. Women above 40 years of age are reminded to do mammogram screening every 2 years.
Remember, diagnosis is not a death sentence as breast cancer can be treated when detected early.
As a survivor since 2006, I am blessed to be given a second chance and together with PRWF’s volunteers, we strive to reach out to more women and hope that one day no one will suffer due to breast cancer. Our motto “Never A Victim, Always A Fighter” is our driving force.
Early Detection Saves Lives!
Get your Regular Mammogram Screening
- May detect breast cancer even before it is clinically palpable, starting age 40.
Monthly Breast Self-Examination
- Check for changes, starting age 20.